Dundee (Scotland)
DD2 5DA - UK
The James Hutton Institute Research Leader Glenn J. Bryan serves as a Principal Investigator on the GLOBAL Project.
Dr. Bryan leads the Potato Genetics and Breeding group at The James Hutton Institute in Dundee, Scotland where he has been responsible for developing a modern potato genetics and genomics program that is integrated with commercially funded potato breeding programs. Dr. Bryan has made significant advances in the genetic mapping of some of the most effective sources of pest and disease resistance in potato as well as tuber quality and developmental traits. He was a participant in both the potato and tomato genome sequencing projects and led the UK participation in the Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium. His group also led the effort that made further improvements to the potato genome assembly, published in late 2013. Dr. Bryan serves as one of the co-chairs of the global SOL project, whose role is to facilitate research into Solanaceous plant species, as well as on various committees, including the BBSRC HAPI steering panel and the Biosciences KTN Plant sector group advisory panel. Dr. Bryan studied at London and Birmingham Universities, and obtained his PhD at Washington University in St Louis, USA. He has previously worked in both animal (dairy cattle, Drosophila) and plant (wheat, rice, potato, tomato) genetic research.